Anugal – The access request lifecycle

AnuGal introduces The access request lifecycle, designed to streamline and secure the process of granting, managing, and revoking access to organizational resources. It helps organizations maintain compliance, reduce security risks, and ensure that users have the necessary access to perform their roles effectively. Below are Key Considerations in Access Request Lifecycle.

Segregation of Duties (SOD)

Ensure that access requests are evaluated for potential conflicts or violations of segregation of duties policies

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC):

This ensures alignment of access rights with organizational roles and responsibilities through the implementation of role concepts based on positions.


AnuGal ensures seamless deployment and interoperability with other IT solutions by supporting easy integration with existing systems.

Automated Recommendations

Streamlines access approval processes by offering automated access recommendations based on user roles and permissions.

Risk-Based Approvals

Apply risk-based assessments during the approval process to identify and mitigate potential security risks

Integration with HR Systems:

Integrate IGA with Human Resources systems to automatically synchronize user roles and access based on employment status changes.